大抢流人: 韦尔伍德公园高地集会下周回归



回到一年一度的裙子,风笛,苏格兰肉泥和威士忌的聚会中,高地集会欢迎来自所有文化的参观者加入欢乐,因为他们接管了Broadmoor湖公园。设有超过100个供应商和美食卡车的凯尔特市场,由The Sherlock Holmes Pub主办的啤酒花园——供应他们著名的干燥肋排,儿童区,高地舞蹈比赛和传统的重型田径比赛,对从小孩到老者都有合适的节目。

今年节日的新增节目是拔河比赛,将六人队伍对抗,获胜队伍将有机会赢得500美元捐赠给获胜队伍选择的慈善机构。到7月12日星期五接受注册,Strathcona高地社的副主席Stacey Lonzinski表示,他们希望至少有10个队伍注册。


Wang Wei

Wang Wei's journalism career is marked by his versatility and depth of knowledge. Whether reporting on the latest technological innovations or providing analysis on global economic trends, Wang's reporting is always informed, insightful, and thoroughly researched. His commitment to journalistic integrity has made him a respected figure in the media industry.

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