

加拿大环境部门发出了关于可能持续10天的高温警告,艾伯塔省大部分地区的白天最高气温将在28至35摄氏度之间。 环境加拿大的气象学家贾斯汀·雪莱告诉CBC,预计本周末前后气温将达到顶峰。, “我们在大气中有一个不断升高的高压脊,将在接下来的一周左右更多地集中在艾伯塔省。” 雪莱说。, “人们将不得不采取必要的预防措施,因为这将是一次持续的高温事件。”, 高温警告是在预计将出现非常高温条件,导致中暑或热衰竭等热病风险升高时发出的。, 艾德蒙顿市已启动了其极端天气应对措施,这将包括在炎热天气期间保障脆弱人群的安全措施。

Wang Wei

Wang Wei's journalism career is marked by his versatility and depth of knowledge. Whether reporting on the latest technological innovations or providing analysis on global economic trends, Wang's reporting is always informed, insightful, and thoroughly researched. His commitment to journalistic integrity has made him a respected figure in the media industry.

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