两精神人成员Preston Buffalo因身体不适去世 朋友和家人怀念他的创造力与自豪


Preston Buffalo在1980年1月22日出生在阿尔伯塔,与他最亲近的姐妹Jessica、Azure和Elijah住在离埃德蒙顿不远的一个家里。
他的家庭在他是青少年时搬到了英属哥伦比亚的纳奈莫。Elijah Buffalo说,童年时期,他总是仰望他的哥哥。Preston总是照看他的兄弟姐妹。

Wang Wei

Wang Wei's journalism career is marked by his versatility and depth of knowledge. Whether reporting on the latest technological innovations or providing analysis on global economic trends, Wang's reporting is always informed, insightful, and thoroughly researched. His commitment to journalistic integrity has made him a respected figure in the media industry.

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