渥太华警方警告居民在寻找租房地点时避免使用Facebook Marketplace


据渥太华CTV新闻报道,渥太华警方近日发出警告,提醒居民在寻找租房地点时避免使用Facebook Marketplace。警方表示,他们收到了多起关于虚假租房广告和欺诈行为的投诉,寻找租房地点时应谨慎小心。警方指出,在Facebook Marketplace上发布虚假租房广告的人员可能会试图诱骗居民提供个人信息或进行欺诈活动。他们建议居民在寻找租房地点时,尽量选择官方认可的租赁平台或通过房地产经纪人进行合法的房屋租赁。渥太华警方表示,已经展开调查,并呼吁居民如遇到可疑情况及时向警方举报。居民们在寻找租房地点时,务必保持警惕,以免成为不法分子的受害者。

Xu Lin

Xu Lin is a journalist who thrives on the fast pace of the news cycle. His quick analysis and rapid reporting on unfolding events provide his audience with timely and accurate information. Xu's dedication to his craft is evident in the quality and consistency of his work.

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